Bear Identification
Know the Differences: When it comes to identifying bears, size and color are not reliable indicators of the species. Don’t rely on size and color to make an identification. Size is relative, and both species range in color from black to blond.

Hump and Rump
Grizzly Bear: Shoulder Hump, Rounded Short Ears, Dished Face
Black Bear: No Shoulder Hump, Pointed Tall Ears, Straight Face Profile
Grizzly Bear vs Black Bear
Grizzly tracks of the front feet are typically squarer compared to black bears. On the other hand, a black bear’s front track is more rounded, and a straight edge will cross the toe on the other side of the foot. When observing a back footprint, note that a grizzly bear print has a pointed heel and lacks the wedged instep of a black bear print.
Grizzly Bear: Toes Closer Together, Longer Claws
Black Bear: Toes More Separate, Shorter Claws
Grizzly Bear vs Black Bear
Front Paw and Back Paw
Grizzlies also have longer (2-4 inch), gently curved claws, whereas black bears have shorter, sharply curved claws that are usually less than 2 inches long.
Grizzly Bear: 2″-4″ Long, Gently Curved
Black Bear: 1.5″ Long, Sharply Curved